2025 Applications Opening Soon!

Applications will be open starting February 22nd - March 22nd.

Please visit Manage My Market at http://www.managemymarket.com to apply!

If you are interested in a drop-in spot or want to be on our waitlist for the 2025 season, please reach out via email with your information to see if you are eligible. We will accept spots for community organizations on a rolling basis through the season.

About Vending at the Bayview Farmers Market

Farmers, artists, processors, and concessionaires are all welcome to apply!

We are looking for unique, quality items to be sold. Priortity is given to farmers in accordance with WSFMA guidelines. Artisans/Crafters may only sell their own hand produced goods. Please ensure a minimum of three (3) photos are uploaded to your MMM account prior to submitting your application if you are a new vendor.

Your application will be juried by our Board of Directors’ Artist Representative and the Market Manager to ensure it is a good fit for our market. Due to the size and category limitations for our market, not all applicants can be accepted. Screening criteria includes the percentage of product made by the vendor, originality, price point, and quality. Acceptance of your application does not automatically guarantee you will be allowed to vend at the 2025 market. If your business is declined, the application fee is non-refundable and covers the administrative cost of BFM to review your application. All applications will be reviewed, with notifications of status sent out by March 31st, 2025.

If you are added to the vendor waitlist, do not fear! You will have first dibs on drop-in spots. We often call up vendors to fill in last minute! Other vendors seeking to drop-in for occasional markets must submit an application in advance in order to be considered on a case-by-case basis.

We offer vendors a 10’x10’, with 10’x20’ spaces available in limited quantities. We do not provide tents, tables, or electricity. Spaces are allocated on the basis of seniority, previous market attendance, and sales category. Although we attempt to give vendors the same space each week, we cannot guarantee locations.

If you are unsure if you are an eligible vendor, or have questions regarding your appliation, please reach out via email at bayviewfarmersmarket@gmail.com before applying to the market.

We do not allow franchise businesses or multi-level marketing companies at our market.

Review the statuses below for clarity on your application's status. Your application status is valid for the current year. For consideration in the following year you must reapply.

  • Received: Confirmation that we have received your application with all the necessary information to begin jurying. It can take up to 8 weeks to review your application.

  • Pending: Your application is now under review. BFM’s Jurying Committee may be reaching out with additional questions. 

  • Incomplete: Your application has not been processed. Check your managemymarket.com profile to be sure you have completed all fields, uploaded all licenses and documents under your license tab and paid your application fee (only 1 application fee is required if applying to multiple markets). Incomplete applications will not be reviewed.

  • Approved: We're looking forward to hosting your business and will be reaching out soon.

  • Waitlisted: Currently, there's no available space or need for your product. If market conditions change, we'll contact your business.

  • Declined: This may be due to a conflict between the products you sell and those allowed at the market, a lack of space, or there may be a surplus of vendors selling the same or similar products as yours at the market. You will be contacted should conditions at the market change. 

  • Withdrawn: Your application is no longer valid.

Registration & Fees for 2025:

  • A non-refundable application fee of $30 will be paid at the time of application during our application period. This cost increases to $40 for late registration after March 22nd.

  • Annual dues are per vendor. Due upon acceptance of your application: $100 annual membership fee for all accepted vendors (drop-ins see below) + applicable credit card fees. Application fees are non-refundable. Please note that if you have a trailer with a tongue that sticks out longer than 10 feet, you must register for a trailer space.

  • Weekly commission: $25 or 5% of sales (whichever is greater). With a $150 commission cap. Commissions must be paid in full at the end of every market. Failure to settle payment may disqualify vendors from returning.

  • Community Booths, Not for Profits, and registered Nonprofit organizations pay a flat fee of $25 per market.

  • Drop-in vendors pay $15 per market or 8% of sales commission (whichever is greater)

The 2025 commission schedule will be announced before the start of the market season.

Application Requirements

  1. Manage My Market Vendor Account (Tutorial)

  2. Proof of insurance (please add Bayview Farmers Market as “additionally insured” on your policy)

  3. If you will be selling food items (breads, jams, meat, or prepared hot foods) you will need to have and submit additional licenses and permits. Washington food handlers permits are required for at least one person at booths selling food. If you are unsure if these apply to your business, contact Todd Appel @ Island County Health Department, 360-240-5510. All processors must be cleared by Island County Public Health before being allowed to vend.

  4. If you are an organic farmer you must also submit a copy of your Organic certification

  5. If you are applying as a new vendor (farmers excepted), you need to submit a minimum of one (1) photograph per each category of product you will be selling with a minimum of three (3) photos total showing how you will be merchandising you product at the market. The photo(s) become the property of the Bayview Farmers Market Association and will not be returned. If you are a returning vendor, please ensure at least one (1) photo is uploaded to your account for each category of product you will be selling. New vendors are encouraged to upload a photo of their market booth as well.

  6. Review the Market Bylaws and Canopy Safety Requirements (links below).

  7. Review and agree to the 2025 Vendor Agreement.

  8. Annual vendor membership fee (see above)